“That’s So Very Vanessa” Blog Talk Radio Show

Actress Vanessa Bell Calloway has done it all from Hollywood to motherhood. Join her as she keeps it real while chatting it up with her famous friends and listeners discussing parenthood, marriage, show business, entertaining and managing a successful career in Hollywood. Vanessa keeps it VERY REAL, and when you listen to the things she says about everyday life you’ll be just like others who really know her and say “That’s So Very Vanessa!” Look for upcoming and archived ‘That’s So Very Vanessa’ shows with Vanessa Bell Calloway at InTheCompanyOfFriends.tv.
If you have an interesting idea or you’d like to be on my show, send me an email.
Hosted by Vanessa Bell Calloway. Sr. Producer, Lani Salter
Vanessa did you have a reality show and what was the name of the show