29 years after ‘Coming to America’, actress Vanessa Bell is the sexiest woman alive at 60

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Black truly don’t crack! It’s 2017 and on the 20th of this month of March, veteran actress Vanessa Bell Calloway will be turning 60. Can you believe it, 60?! And she is still one of the sexiest women alive! If you take a look at the sexy Coming To America star, it doesn’t look like she’s aged a bit! And to celebrate her upcoming milestone, she recently launched her This is My Sexy Sixty campaign, which empowers women to embrace their beauty at all ages. Since March is also
Women’s History Month, you can say the campaign is well-timed, as Calloway is inviting women to ‘look their best, feel their best, but most of all … be their best!’
Speaking to Rollingout on the advice she would’ve given to her 20-year-old self, Vanessa had this to say: ‘Well, a piece of advice I’m glad I did give myself was to listen to that voice within. I learned that at around that age. If you listen to that inner voice saying, ‘If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, then it’s a duck’ that inner-voice never leads you wrong.
‘I learned that in my twenties to really just focus inward and let the universe and God speak to me. That has really helped me in a lot of ways as I grew older. Also, not to be afraid of being assertive at that age. Young women try to be so pleasing and we’re always apologizing. Although I was very strong and confident in my twenties, I wish I could have been even more so. The older you get, the less you care.’